Tuesday, October 17, 2006

35 weeks....the nursery is done!!!!

Today was my last day of work!! Yeah!!! Now I can post more often. So let's see whats going on...well I got a new hairdo cuz I was feeling kind of ugly, we painted the nursery and thats about it so far. The baby has finally dropped so I'm feeling quited uncomfortable and quite anxious to get him out. I have a doctor's appointment next week and I heard you can scrape some membrane or something down there to kind of induce the labor. It's not effective for everyone and its harmless so we're gonna see what the doctor can do next appointment. I also find out if I have started dialating yet next appointment. This Saturday we take our child birth class at the hospitalI'm so excited!! I want to take the camera and take pics but Chris thinks I'm nuts! We'll see. Maybe the instructor will take some funny pics for us!! Well I'll leave ya with some new pics and talk to ya soon! Kare you don't have to yell at me now! Luv you!

Mommy's getting ready for work!
The baby has dropped. (Ya think?)

Are you ready for this?

What a great mommy. Already exposing the baby to harmful fumes!!
(just kidding....odor free paint!)

Whoever picked that border out has great taste!!
And the room is completed!!!


Blogger Kari said...


You look great! I LOVE the nursery, it's so cute. The color is perfect!

Your hair looks cool, and that belly is amazing! I can't wait till he's here!

Thank you for finally updating, I'm sure I'll be bugging you again in about a week, lol.

6:21 AM  

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