Sunday, June 25, 2006

2 days till doctor's appointment!!!

Yes, I know, I need update my blog more frequently. Let me fill you in on what's going on. I went through surgery and I couldn't remember a thing. They sedated me so much I didn't even care. I just slept. So that was cool. As for after. It was so sore!!! I had to keep these sticky bandages on forever. And now..... I have the ugliest scar! They say it will heal better but I think it looks like a boob job gone wrong. At least my boob isn't all deformed which alot of people may think happen when they take out a mass the size of a golf ball! Yes it was just under the size of a golf ball! Anyway I just want to mention that all through this I have the best husband in the world. Unfortunately I had to work the next day after surgery due to a shortage of employees at my place of work but look what I came home to:Isn't he the sweetest!!! He's so funny. I came home from work and he had baked me a cake to make me feel better. He really knows the way to my heart...chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chips in both the cake and frosting mmmmmmmmmmmm!
Moving the pregnancy yeah I had an appointment 4 weeks ago. Nothing crazy I just went in and they checked the heartbeat of the baby again, then they sent me off with a list of appointments. My next appointment is this Tuesday and guess what?? They are going to try and find the sex of the baby!!!! Crazy huh! I'm already 19 weeks. Oh and by the way, I've gained 4 pounds, which really freaks me out because I have this feeling that I'm going to gain all my weight at once and get GIGANTO!!!! So that pretty much sums up what's happened. Not too much missed. Oh by the way for my east coast fam and friends Chris and I have booked our flights. We will be arriving in NY on the 16th of August and staying till the 26th. As for my baby shower we are still trying for August 20th and location is still unknown, but I know once we find out the sex of the baby I'll have alot more to tell. So everyone wish me luck, lets hope this baby cooperates!!!