Friday, October 27, 2006

Belly button

This one's for you Kari!! Lol! I read your comment this morning so I made Chris take a pic as soon as he woke up. No my belly button hasn't popped out yet. Hehe.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

37 weeks........just about. Lol!!

Okay so I'm about 3 weeks away from the big day. Chris always makes fun of me because when someone asks how far along I am I always rounding it to the furthest week. So I could be like 36 weeks and 1 day and I'll say I'm 37. Lol. What can I say...I'm a little bit anxious. I'm having a really hard time right now because I don't want anything to do with school. It's all baby this, baby that and there is nothing I can do about it. If I withdrawal from all my classes and not finish out this semester I lose all my scholarships and my student loans, not to mention all the money I paid for those classes!! It sucks! And its really taking a toll on my attitude. I don't even want to think about how much work I have to do. Then on top of that I don't sleep very well because I'm so uncomfortable. I don't know what to do!! Does anyone want to do my homework for me? It's really easy....NOT! Well I had mom take some pics of me today, she did the best that she could after I explained to her how to use the camera like 20 times!! Lol.

By the way.....for some reason it looks like I have some teeth missing in these pics. Haha! Don't worry they are still there!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

36 weeks

Sorry no pics this time. I need new batteries in the camera. My father-in-law has told my husband repeatedly to buy lithium ion batteries but my husband still brings home the alkaline. Don't worry I haven't changed in size much, or even at all. I don't think I will from now till after I have baby Chris. Hopefully then I will go down in size. Lol. If not we have have a serious problem!
So where do I start? Oh lets start with my absent mindedness. Yeah that childbirth class I was so excited to attend........Chris and I got up Saturday morning eager to go to the class but quite tired from the lack of sleep the night before, as we were about to leave I grabbed what they call a Title 19 which is a form that allows us to take the class for free, provided by the US air force, well as I go to date it, I look on the calendar and realize the class was last Saturday!!! What a bummer! So then I also came to realize I missed out "Baby on the way class" which is a class for first time parents!! Geez! I had it marked on the calendar and I had appointment cards and still messed it up. So I call the hospital and reschedule the childbirth class for Nov. 11 and as long as I don't go into labor before then, we're good! Lol. As far as the baby on the way class, the next one isn't till January so we're having a nurse come and do a private class for Chris and I at our house next Friday. I was surprised they did house visits. And thats a service also provided by the US Air Force.
Anyway Chris and I did make our, or should I say my breastfeeding class lastnight. (that would be scary if Chris was breastfeeding!) It was very informative but nothing to fun. I'm excited for the childbirth class because we get to do alot more activivities. (So I've heard) I'm determined to breastfeed for a year so I had alot of questions that were answered.
I had my first weekly doctor's appointment yesterday!!! Yay!!!! The doctor said I was dilated 1cm and the baby is head down ready to make his presence!!! I was pretty excited since alot of girls had told me that I probably won't even be dilated my first appointment. I tell ya what though was I surprised when he went to check how much I was dilated!! Holy crap!! Wasn't expecting that discomfort! The doc asked me if I wanted to check to see if I was dilated but he for sure didn't tell me what that was going to entail!! Thats okay though. It was worth it! My doc also said he like me with the dark hair which I thought was nice. He's going to Boston for a week for some writing class in the beginning of November so be sure to say hi.......if you happen to be in Boston.......and happen to know what he looks like......and know his name.......yeah so forget that. I'm gonna ask him if we can take a pic of him next appointment (if we have batteries that haven't died by then) and I'm sure we'll have plenty of pics of him when I go into labor. Not too far now!!!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

35 weeks....the nursery is done!!!!

Today was my last day of work!! Yeah!!! Now I can post more often. So let's see whats going on...well I got a new hairdo cuz I was feeling kind of ugly, we painted the nursery and thats about it so far. The baby has finally dropped so I'm feeling quited uncomfortable and quite anxious to get him out. I have a doctor's appointment next week and I heard you can scrape some membrane or something down there to kind of induce the labor. It's not effective for everyone and its harmless so we're gonna see what the doctor can do next appointment. I also find out if I have started dialating yet next appointment. This Saturday we take our child birth class at the hospitalI'm so excited!! I want to take the camera and take pics but Chris thinks I'm nuts! We'll see. Maybe the instructor will take some funny pics for us!! Well I'll leave ya with some new pics and talk to ya soon! Kare you don't have to yell at me now! Luv you!

Mommy's getting ready for work!
The baby has dropped. (Ya think?)

Are you ready for this?

What a great mommy. Already exposing the baby to harmful fumes!!
(just kidding....odor free paint!)

Whoever picked that border out has great taste!!
And the room is completed!!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

33 weeks

Our new car...the mazda 6 .

Cake anyone? Lol.

so what's been going on. Well since I've last posted anything, a whole lot. I went home to New York for my baby shower and brought my mother back to South Dakota with me. Mom will be living with us and helping us with the baby so Chris and I can continue on with school. Pretty cool huh! So since I've been home we've been busy moving into a new house, getting mom settled in on base, both working full time and going to school full time and by the way did I mention I am exhausted this last trimester. We also just bought a brand new car which Chris and I were both hesitant to do but we had to get rid of the stinkin lincoln and get a car that was more pratical with better gas mileage. How old do I sound? Anyway I posted some quick pics for ya and then I gotta get back to some studying, (which I have no motivation to do what so ever.)

Our new diningroom/kitchen!!

Our livingroom.

Mom cooking away.
What a cute daddy!

Mom-to-be and Uncle Bud.